Monday, July 27, 2015

Tom Yum Pla - Sour and Spicy Fish Soup with Herbs

Sour and spicy fish soup with herbs is the one of the tom yum menu that every Thai people have tried in a life. 

No one can deny the delightful flavor of the soup and tender meat that go well with the crushed herbs. 

Healthy and delicious, This menu is recommended!

"Cook this menu  to be reminded of Thailand"

Grandma once said
"Always add the chili pepper
by the odd number,
the food will taste better"...
ok I trust you! :P 

1. Medium Tilapia fish ,....................1 (Chopped and clean)
2. Oyster mushroom.......................1 cup
3. Whole Red onion........................4-5  (smashed)
4. Chili............................................7 or 9 
5. Dried chili pepper........................5 or 7
6. Culantro......................................1/4 cup
7. Kaffir Lime leaves+
chopped lemon grass........................4-5 pcs per each
8. Chopped or sliced galangal..........4-5 pcs
9. Cut Tomato.................................4-5 pcs 
10.Roasted Chili Paste.....................3 tbsp
11.Lime juice...................................5-6 tsp
12.Fish sauce...................................5 tsp
13.Sugar...................................... ...3-4 tsp
14.Fish Stock...................................3+1/2 cups 
15.Coconut milk or evaporated milk..3/4 cup

1. In the medium size pot, pour the fish stock and bring up to the medium heat, once the stock starts boiling , add the galangal, smashed onion and and lemongrass.
2.Melt the roasted chili paste in the soup, add the ripped orster mushroom and leave it boiled for a while.
3.In the bubbly boiling soup, add the chopped fish and add 1 table spoon of lemon (DO NOT STIR whatsoever, you might get the fishy smell soup).
4. Once the soup starts to boil again, add the culantro, ripped kaffia lime leaves, tomato and chili into the mixture.
5. Lower the heat down, add the coconut milk or evaporated milk, season with sugar, fish sauce, cut the heat off, add the lime juice (you can season and try it first, if you don't satisfied with the taste yet, season  it yourself)

This is the picture of culantro, if you don't have them where you leave, you can replace them with the spring onion, it doesn't provide the same taste, but similar.

* Do not stir the mixture after adding the fish, it will turn fishy.
* Do not leave the mixture boiled for so long, the herbs will turn yellow and the fish will become too soft and overcooked finally mix with the soup, your family won't trust you that it is the fish because they will see nothing but herbs :P


- Thank you  ^^-


  1. I like your site but could you put vegan substitutes or recipes ?

    1. Thank you! i will try to post more vegan menu
